Saturday, January 2, 2021

Happy New Year!

 Welcome back to the Timeless Beauty blog! 

 Happy New Year to you all, I hope you managed to have a good Christmas despite the restrictions.  I thought for awhile that my Christmas may be cancelled, and the boys will finally get that lump of coal I've been threatening for years! However lockdown was lifted and my wonderful clients booked in and were very generous in their appointments.  I want to thank you all for your loyalty and generosity over the last few weeks, it has made all the difference to me and I truly appreciate it.  

Unfortunately being upgraded to a tier 4 has seen the closure of close contact services yet again, which leaves you all with a set of Christmas nails for who knows how long!  If your sick of the sight of snowflakes and baubles, you could always paint over the design with regular nail polish, or remove yourself (I will leave step by step instructions and advice at the end of this post).

We have no idea when this lockdown will end, for some these lockdowns come as a blessing, others struggle with mental health, or financial difficulties.  Everyone has their own situations and problems, personally my family has had its own tragedy to deal with.  My Uncle Bill, who had learning difficulties, took his own life due to his increasing worry over the current situation.  I only mention this because suicide, especially male suicide, is often not talked about.  Statistics are showing a significant increase in suicides over the last year, and its not just something you read about happening to other people, its very real.  All I can say is be kind, look after yourselves in anyway you need to and check in with loved ones as often as you can, life won't always be this way!  

So, what shall I get up to during the coming weeks....first on the list is a deep clean of my kit.  I'm also looking to add some new polish colours and add to my nail art display. Any ideas are most welcome!  I am also 3/4 of the way through my genealogy diploma, I'm looking to qualify in the spring, so look out for my new business!  I'm thinking of calling it Timeless Ancestry!....what do you think?  I will be offering family history research services including a full presentation.  Don't worry I'm not giving up beauty, just doing the two together 😀 

Happy New Year!

 Welcome back to the Timeless Beauty blog!   Happy New Year to you all, I hope you managed to have a good Christmas despite the restrictions...