Sunday, November 1, 2020

Low down on the lockdown and other changes

 Welcome back to the Timeless Beauty Blog, where do I start!.....  As most of you may have noticed, I am no longer at Hairkandi.  This was a very difficult decision to make but one that unfortunately was necessary in this current climate.  Don't worry I am back mobile and will continue to offer my full treatment menu in the comfort of your own homes.  I am well aware that this may not suit everyone but just wanted to reassure you of the Covid measures I have in place.  I will always arrive in my medical grade mask and visor, my hands will be sanitized before I leave the car and hand sanitizer is provided for you too.  I will ask you to wear a mask as well, it might seem strange wearing a mask in your own home but we will need to stick to these rules, and I will also have a QR code for you to use with the NHS track and trace app.  Again that seems funny to check into your own home but the rules on this are very strict and if not adhered to could cost me a hefty fine!  All of my equipment will be wiped down after every client as normal.  So it's back to lugging my nail kit in and out of the car for me, if you have had an appointment with me before you'll remember how big it is! Oh well.....I was starting to get bingo wings anyway 😂


So just as I was all geared up to start mobile we are told to close for four weeks, just what we need in the run up to Christmas!  However we are all in the same boat in one way or another and just have to make the best of it.  I will be closed from Thursday 5th November to 2nd December, I am still taking bookings for December so it might be a good idea to get your Christmas appointments in!  I don't know about you, but I'm sick of talking about coronavirus, so let me tell you what I CAN do over lockdown and what's to come in December!

Happy New Year!

 Welcome back to the Timeless Beauty blog!   Happy New Year to you all, I hope you managed to have a good Christmas despite the restrictions...