Monday, September 28, 2020

My First Blog!

 Welcome to the Timeless Beauty blog!  My plan is for this to be a monthly catch up/informative newsletter for all my lovely clients and clients to be.  Writing is a little out of my comfort zone, but never mind, we all have to push ourselves to try something different sometimes, so here goes....

First of all I would like to say a massive thank you to all my clients who have faithfully stuck with me through this crazy year! There I was back in February lugging my massive nail trolley in and out of your homes, when along came Covid and stopped everything in it's tracks.  During lockdown we all faced different challenges (I am definitely not a teacher!) and one of mine was how was I going to proceed with my beauty business?  Offering a mobile service seemed inappropriate for the current situation, considering we were not allowed in other people's homes.  I have been in the beauty industry 21 years and never have we faced something like this.  Just when I was about to call it a day, Stacey from Hairkandi calls me saying the beauty room in her hair salon has become free, do I want to take it?!  I'll be honest... she had to talk me into it, but I'm so glad she did!

So not only can I go back to creating nails, I have the space and set up to offer more treatments than I could have done when mobile.  It's always nice to have a bit of variety in your day, and nice to be putting my other skills to use too!  Most of you know I used to work in a Spa, so being able to put those skills to the test has been very satisfying.  I've got lots of ideas for new treatments, but I'll save that for another post! 

Also my beauty room is BEAUTIFUL, pretty pink shabby chic, I love it!  

Obviously working conditions are a little different and certainly take some getting used to.  I'm wearing a medical grade mask and a visor at all times. The mask is fine but the visor I found tricky at first, I keep catching it on my shoulder every time I turn, I feel like a dog who's had an operation and has to wear one of those big collars! 😂. I've also had a mishap involving a latex glove and my electric file, but that's another story!

Happy New Year!

 Welcome back to the Timeless Beauty blog!   Happy New Year to you all, I hope you managed to have a good Christmas despite the restrictions...