Saturday, January 2, 2021

Happy New Year!

 Welcome back to the Timeless Beauty blog! 

 Happy New Year to you all, I hope you managed to have a good Christmas despite the restrictions.  I thought for awhile that my Christmas may be cancelled, and the boys will finally get that lump of coal I've been threatening for years! However lockdown was lifted and my wonderful clients booked in and were very generous in their appointments.  I want to thank you all for your loyalty and generosity over the last few weeks, it has made all the difference to me and I truly appreciate it.  

Unfortunately being upgraded to a tier 4 has seen the closure of close contact services yet again, which leaves you all with a set of Christmas nails for who knows how long!  If your sick of the sight of snowflakes and baubles, you could always paint over the design with regular nail polish, or remove yourself (I will leave step by step instructions and advice at the end of this post).

We have no idea when this lockdown will end, for some these lockdowns come as a blessing, others struggle with mental health, or financial difficulties.  Everyone has their own situations and problems, personally my family has had its own tragedy to deal with.  My Uncle Bill, who had learning difficulties, took his own life due to his increasing worry over the current situation.  I only mention this because suicide, especially male suicide, is often not talked about.  Statistics are showing a significant increase in suicides over the last year, and its not just something you read about happening to other people, its very real.  All I can say is be kind, look after yourselves in anyway you need to and check in with loved ones as often as you can, life won't always be this way!  

So, what shall I get up to during the coming weeks....first on the list is a deep clean of my kit.  I'm also looking to add some new polish colours and add to my nail art display. Any ideas are most welcome!  I am also 3/4 of the way through my genealogy diploma, I'm looking to qualify in the spring, so look out for my new business!  I'm thinking of calling it Timeless Ancestry!....what do you think?  I will be offering family history research services including a full presentation.  Don't worry I'm not giving up beauty, just doing the two together 😀 

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

The Longest Month in History!

 Welcome back to another blog post!  

Well that was the longest month in history!  I hope you all managed to stay sane and well?  I spent my time doing really important things, like re-reading Harry Potter 😂.  I've also been studying for my genealogy qualification, family history has been my hobby for over 10 years, during the first lockdown I decided to have a go at challenging myself to try something different and decided to make my family history hobby into a possible future side career.  I am really enjoying it and its going well (I think!).

My boys are doing well, one started secondary school in September and he's settled in brilliantly and my eldest has started his apprenticeship, so he's out at work most days, earning more money than me 😂.

So anyway, back to work tomorrow! I can't wait, I'm not going to lie, its been really tough having to give up work and especially towards Christmas it puts pressure on everyone.  But lets try and look forward to the coming festivities with a little positivity and just hope and pray that next year will get better.

As a mobile business in the beauty industry we have been told that we are allowed to operate in all tier areas, as long as we are following all of the PPE rules.  I will be entering your home in a mask and a visor, all equipment is cleaned after every person, hand sanitizer is provided and I will be wearing gloves when appropriate.  I also have my own NHS track and trace code for you to scan, I know it seems strange to check into your own home and some people haven't got the app yet, but its really important that I stick to this rule, I could face big fines if not.  So thank you in advance for your cooperation. 

I have my best reds, glitter and nail art brushes at the ready for your Christmas nails.  You never fail to disappoint me with your Christmas requests!  I love doing festive nail art and don't mind a challenge, so feel free to bombard me with all your Pinterest ideas!   Here is a few from previous years.....

Don't forget I have gift vouchers for sale too, they make great presents, with a six month expiration date they're handy to save for the new year in the gloomy weather! 

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Low down on the lockdown and other changes

 Welcome back to the Timeless Beauty Blog, where do I start!.....  As most of you may have noticed, I am no longer at Hairkandi.  This was a very difficult decision to make but one that unfortunately was necessary in this current climate.  Don't worry I am back mobile and will continue to offer my full treatment menu in the comfort of your own homes.  I am well aware that this may not suit everyone but just wanted to reassure you of the Covid measures I have in place.  I will always arrive in my medical grade mask and visor, my hands will be sanitized before I leave the car and hand sanitizer is provided for you too.  I will ask you to wear a mask as well, it might seem strange wearing a mask in your own home but we will need to stick to these rules, and I will also have a QR code for you to use with the NHS track and trace app.  Again that seems funny to check into your own home but the rules on this are very strict and if not adhered to could cost me a hefty fine!  All of my equipment will be wiped down after every client as normal.  So it's back to lugging my nail kit in and out of the car for me, if you have had an appointment with me before you'll remember how big it is! Oh well.....I was starting to get bingo wings anyway 😂


So just as I was all geared up to start mobile we are told to close for four weeks, just what we need in the run up to Christmas!  However we are all in the same boat in one way or another and just have to make the best of it.  I will be closed from Thursday 5th November to 2nd December, I am still taking bookings for December so it might be a good idea to get your Christmas appointments in!  I don't know about you, but I'm sick of talking about coronavirus, so let me tell you what I CAN do over lockdown and what's to come in December!

Monday, September 28, 2020

My First Blog!

 Welcome to the Timeless Beauty blog!  My plan is for this to be a monthly catch up/informative newsletter for all my lovely clients and clients to be.  Writing is a little out of my comfort zone, but never mind, we all have to push ourselves to try something different sometimes, so here goes....

First of all I would like to say a massive thank you to all my clients who have faithfully stuck with me through this crazy year! There I was back in February lugging my massive nail trolley in and out of your homes, when along came Covid and stopped everything in it's tracks.  During lockdown we all faced different challenges (I am definitely not a teacher!) and one of mine was how was I going to proceed with my beauty business?  Offering a mobile service seemed inappropriate for the current situation, considering we were not allowed in other people's homes.  I have been in the beauty industry 21 years and never have we faced something like this.  Just when I was about to call it a day, Stacey from Hairkandi calls me saying the beauty room in her hair salon has become free, do I want to take it?!  I'll be honest... she had to talk me into it, but I'm so glad she did!

So not only can I go back to creating nails, I have the space and set up to offer more treatments than I could have done when mobile.  It's always nice to have a bit of variety in your day, and nice to be putting my other skills to use too!  Most of you know I used to work in a Spa, so being able to put those skills to the test has been very satisfying.  I've got lots of ideas for new treatments, but I'll save that for another post! 

Also my beauty room is BEAUTIFUL, pretty pink shabby chic, I love it!  

Obviously working conditions are a little different and certainly take some getting used to.  I'm wearing a medical grade mask and a visor at all times. The mask is fine but the visor I found tricky at first, I keep catching it on my shoulder every time I turn, I feel like a dog who's had an operation and has to wear one of those big collars! 😂. I've also had a mishap involving a latex glove and my electric file, but that's another story!

Happy New Year!

 Welcome back to the Timeless Beauty blog!   Happy New Year to you all, I hope you managed to have a good Christmas despite the restrictions...